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Last edited : 13-06-2012

English webpages

Company About Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV
Consultancy for industrial enameling plant projects
Consultancy for industrial enameling plant projects
Contact details Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV
Contact form
Contact form
DTC's tweets on Twitter
EN/Services/Consulting/Consultancy for the enameling industry.htm
Introduction page DTC website
Introduction page DTC website
Privacy Policy
Porcelain enamel processes One coat / one fire (dry)
One coat / one fire (wet)
Testing methods for the determination of powder enamel properties
Three coats / two fire (wet/wet/wet)
Two coats / one fire (dry/dry)
Two coats / one fire (wet/dry)
Two coats / one fire (wet/wet)
Two coats / two fire (dry/dry)
Two coats / two fire (dry/wet)
Two coats / two fire (wet/wet)
Examples of enameled products Enamelled architectural panels
Enamelled cattle drinker
Enamelled chemical vessels and reactors
Enamelled cookware
Enamelled free standing cookers
Enamelled heat exchanger panels
Enamelled hot water tanks and boilers
Enamelled kitchen sinks
Enamelled sanitary ware
Enamelled silo panels
Enamelled stove pipes
Enamelled street signs
Enamelled washing machine drum
Enamelled water pipes & valves
Examples of enameled products
Examples of enameled products
Examples of enameled products
Industrial porcelain enameling technology for boilers and water tanks
Industrial porcelain enameling technology for boilers and water tanks
Porcelain enamel plants Boiler enameling technology - Process, plant & equipment
Boiler enameling technology - Process, plant & equipment
Boiler enameling technology - Process, plant & equipment
Cooker enameling technology - Process, plant & equipment
Enameling plants for other products
FAQ about industrial boiler enameling technology - Process, plant & equipment
Industrial enameling plants, processes & equipment for domestic appliances
Modern powder enameling plant for cookers/ranges
Offline powder enameling plant for water tanks / boilers at Leov Company
Overview of different boiler enameling plant concepts
Overview of industrial porcelain enameling plants
Overview of industrial porcelain enameling plants
Reduction of energy consumption at industrial enameling plants
Ronald Ditmer's PE projects since 1984
Porcelain enamel equipment Calculation of savings & pay-back for investment in production automation
Enamel furnace atmosphere
Enamel preparation equipment
Equipment for process and quality control at enameling plants (Frame)
How to make firing curves at industrial porcelain enameling furnaces
How to save energy at an industrial enameling furnace ?
Immersion pickling systems
Immersion pickling systems (Frame)
Industrial enameling dryers
Industrial powder enamel (Frame)
Industrial powder enamel application equipment (Frame)
Industrial powder enamel application technology & equipment
Industrial wet enamel pumps
Introduction equipment for process and quality control at enameling plants
Laboratory equipment for enamel slip testing
Laboratory equipment for enameling furnace testing
Laboratory equipment for finished goods
Laboratory equipment for powder enamel testing
Laboratory equipment for pretreatment
Material flow & handling equipment for enameling plants
Measurement equipment for industrial porcelain enameling furnaces
Milling / enamel preparation equipment (Frame)
Overview of industrial porcelain enameling equipment - II
Overview of industrial porcelain enameling machinery
Overview of material handling equipment
Porcelain enameling furnaces
Porcelain enameling furnaces
Porcelain enameling furnaces
Porcelain enameling furnaces
Porcelain enameling furnaces
Powder enamel application equipment
Pretreatment equipment for the porcelain enameling industry
Shotblasting equipment
Shotblasting equipment (Frame)
Temperature profiling and analyzing of industrial enameling furnaces
Wet enamel application equipment
Wet enamel application equipment (Frame page)
Wet enamel application equipment (Frame page)
Wet enamel application equipment for boilers and water tanks
Porcelain enamel various Application of Remaille
Calculation models for estimating industrial enameling cost
Calculation of industrial porcelain enameling cost
Calculation of savings & pay-back for investment in production automation
DTC landingpage
EN/Services/Sourcing/Spare parts/Ferro Smit Ovens Sinus Allliance/Index.htm
Enamel coating care and repair
Environmental aspects of industrial porcelain enameling
Glossary of industrial porcelain enameling terms
How about corrosion resistance of porcelain enamel ?
How much cost a boiler enameling plant ?
In-house enameling or outsourcing ?
Introduction to industrial boiler enameling
Is our water tank suitable for powder enameling ?
Know-how and project management support for industrial enameling plant projects
Online resources - white papers, forms & calculations
Overview of our professional services for porcelain enameling industry
Overview of our services for porcelain enameling industry
Overview of our services for porcelain enameling industry
Overview of our services for porcelain enameling industry
Stain eraser for enameled surfaces
Stain eraser for enameled surfaces
Standard Remaille colors
What is powder enamel ?
White paper about the benefits of electrostatic dry powder enameling
Other pages DTC's tweets on Twitter
EN/Powder coating/equipment/powder coating equipment.htm
Powder coating equipment
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Dutch webpages

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Contactgevens Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV
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